Sunday, April 1, 2012

Life Now And My Plans

    Today I am a strong, independent person. I am proud to have survived everything that I have faced in life. I am a survivor. Through this blog as well as several other things, I plan to spread my story to as many people as possible. I know that I am not alone. There are thousands of other survivors like me. Institutional abuse is nothing new. I don't know what every other survivor is doing today, but I know that I am living my life to the fullest. I work hard to raise awareness of both child abuse abuse, as well as institutional abuse. What is my life goal as far as raising awareness? I hope to help stop abuse, as well as provide children with options. I want to show children that went through or are going through abuse that change is possible. I want to provide them with a positive outlook on life and show them that just because you went through abuse, you can grow up to be anyone that you want to be.
     Presently, I am putting myself through college. I am majoring in Criminal Justice. I plan to get a degree. I want to work for the local police or sheriff department. My goal has always been to help people. Law enforcement has become something that I would love to do. I know that sometime in my future career as a law enforcement officer, I will be faced with someone that needs someone to show them that there is hope. I want to be living proof that you can go through some of the worse situations in life, but turn around and become the best person that you can be.
     As I mentioned in my last post, I am in a great relationship with Beckie. We have two daughter. I want to be there for my girls in a positive way. I am completely opposite of my parents. I NEVER want to be the kind of parents that they were. Every day life is about being different, and living life as best as I can.

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